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Co-Pilot RT — Rally sport app powered by Hudway

4.8 ( 4448 ratings )
Sportovní Navigace
Vývojář: SIA Ok Mobile
19.99 USD

Co-Pilot RT is both a co-pilot and a HUD for rally professionals. Based on the best practices of rally stenogram writing and dictation, it reads the route the way a real co-pilot would.

Just like with a real rally co-pilot, Co-Pilot RT creates a track record when driving the track for the first time. When starting it for the second time, the pilot gets an accurate description of the track with timely voice instructions in a conventional rally manner, like "50 Left 3" or "100 Right 5"

Apart from that, Co-Pilot RT renders the necessary minimum of information onto the windshield — hence, the most important data (current speed, distance to the next curve and its direction) is always in the main view point.

Co-Pilot RT allows you to determine what you want to see when driving — current track time, estimated finish time, current speed, actual distance to finish, overall track distance.

— Record tracks and share them with your teammates
— Get accurate description of the track in conventional rally way
— Co-Pilot Voice Assistance
— Turn-by-Turn directions
— 3D road view
— Customizable road visualization
— Average and maximum speed calculation
— Acceleration time 0-100 km/h (0-60 mph) calculation
— Accurate speed calculation (using accelerometer)
— Save track results and trace your progress
— Customize HUD
— Distance in miles/kilometers, meters/feet/yards
— Turn your iPhone or iPad into Head-Up Display (HUD)
— Works with Google or OpenStreetMap (OSM)
— Build a route worldwide to your destination point
— Use Transit (via) points to build more specified routes

When you’ve built the route with Co-Pilot RT, place your phone on a dashboard. The road outlines are now reflected on your windshield, as well as the distance to the next meaningful curve, and your vehicle speed — all precise and real-time.

Professional Voice Assistant alerts you on the approaching road bends, so that you know exactly when to slow down and speed up.

Build routes and save them to drive later, without Internet connection.

Attention: Hudway works in a background mode. Continued use of GPS and Audio-services running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.